Blog Post One: Our first snowfall


I took this photo this morning, while out walking, of the now snow covered bird houses.
Every year I seem surprised when the snow arrives. It is a bit early this year but oh so pretty and quiet. It reminds me to go inside and reflect on how grateful I am for this unique and wonder filled life that is mine. The birdhouses also remind me of the flurry activity that will follow come Spring, so for this Winter I will be still and content in that quiet place.

It is such a contented feeling to have the lavender fields weeded and ready to plant, this years oil resting, bees wrapped up and fed, big bales put out for fat, pregnant cows and winter blankets on the ponies. The pond is quiet with a skiff of ice on top, the Koi and goldfish all sleeping till March. October’s last bloom of roses peek, frozen in time, out of the snow in the Peace Garden, the trees there still dropping their leaves amidst the neat mounds of trimmed lavender. All nine barn cats are in a fuzzy pile together, getting up just long enough to help themselves to the self feeder. All is well.

So I take my que from Nature.....happily slow down and walk in the snow, quilt and spend the daylight hours making products using our luscious home distilled oil. I wish you all the Peace and contentment I find here on Windhorse Farm.




Blog Post Two: Spring at Windhorse Farm