Blog Post Two: Spring at Windhorse Farm


The first day of Spring arrived here today. It has been a very long winter and though I can say my life has not changed a lot with this awful Covid situation, I will be grateful when we can all breathe a little easier.

Enough of that… I am enjoying the Sun, warmth, a myriad of deliriously happy chirping birds, cows plump with the promise of calves, 1500 new lavender babies to plant later, and horses dropping hair as they start to sport new shiny coats. The fat contented hens have moved from their winter quarters and are happily scratching for goodies in the bee yard. The ice is just recently off the pond with the Koi and Goldfish slowly waking up and cruising around. It is still early for many blossoms, or even buds, but they will come. When March shows up, I get itchy to get in the gardens, and seem to forget yearly that we are just barely beginning. After all, there are patches of snow in the upper fields and the giant snow piles from driveway ploughing are still melting.

There are three new tipis to go up and decks to stain and and and… the list gets longer and more exciting. But for now, It is enough to wander around and note the projects to look forward to and put away winter equipment and sleepy winter habits.

I am Grateful and Blessed.




Blog Post One: Our first snowfall